Fen is a 15 month old male tricolor heading dog(not desexed). Very keen to be off and out on sheep and cattle, with a medium eye. Definitely a bit of work to be done here, splits sheep(working on it), no sides, and isn’t always keen on stopping but will after some persistence. He is a nipper, but not a biter or grabber. Will make himself heard if stock don’t move for him.
Submits to growling, but still needs some more discipline trained into him. He is very gentle with children and only playfully bounds after cats, generally a really well natured dog.
I believe this dog has a lot of potential(he has learnt so much in a less than ideal training environment) and has a fairly well developed foundation for further training. Definitely deserves to go to someone who is going to put in the time and effort.
Will try get videos over the next couple days. Message me if you have any questions.